Participate in our Exclusive Investing Across Borders "Invest to Immigrate" Series

We will be your Guide Every Step of the Way - Finding You the Right Business/Franchise/Investment, Consider  Options, Build a Business Plan & Get a Visa !!!

Want to Invest in & Immigrate to the US - NOW? 

To do so, you will need: 

An Experienced Team of Professionals, with

  • The right combination of Expertise & Experience,
  • A Giving Mindset,
  • A Proven Track Record, and
  • A Results-Oriented Approach!

Why? Here are just a few of the reasons:

  • If you hire the wrong people, you will waste tons of time and money and risk never being able to move to the U.S.
  • You don't have time to waste.
  • Your application process must be done correctly the first time. NOW!
  • Too many people spend too much money hiring the wrong professionals.
  • There are way too many so-called “cross-border” or “international” experts that aren’t really cross-border or international experts at all.
  • Working haphazardly with a bunch of separate service providers that don’t offer a harmonized approach can (and does) lead to challenges and potentially disastrous and costly results (that could prevent you from getting a Visa!)
  • Failing to plan ahead can result in your plans failing dismally.
  • Creating a streamlined strategy with our turnkey team is the key to short- and long-term success.

Our goal is to make sure that you are well-positioned to start

Our program includes 3 phases:

   Phase 1 of 3.

Phase 1. Visa Preparation Program. 

This preliminary phase includes the planning and building out of your business investment in the U.S. 

This will be set up strategically with your U.S. Visa end goals in mind.  There are numerous U.S. Visas and they are NOT all created equally nor are they all obtainable.  It's VERY important to start with the end goal in mind and to ensure that you can build out your plans to navigate your path to success. 

Phase I will include:

  • Development of customized Business Expansion & Investment Strategy.
  • Access to real estate and investment opportunities all over the U.S., both on- and off-market
  • Finding you the Right Business and/or vetting existing business options and building out your business model
  • Power Team Consultations with our Team of Experts which may include:
    • Cross-Border Tax Consultation(s) with dually-licensed tax professionals
    • Transactional attorney(s) to ensure planned structure makes “sense” and will provide adequate protection
    • Guidance on employment
    • Financial reviews of matters that will impact visa applications
    • Introductions to Financing and Funding Providers as needed
    • Legal oversight, coordination and other considerations
    • And, much more...

After successfully completing Phase 1, you will move on to:

Phase 2. Business Plan Development. 

Phase II covers not only the setting up of your Entity and Structure, but also the initial development of your visa-oriented Business Plan

Both the Entity setup and Structure along with your Initial corporate documents, by-laws, and other necessary documentation, as well as the initial drafting of your visa business plan will be completed in this phase. 

And then,

Phase 3. Visa Submission. This phase includes completion of your Immigration Business Plan and preparation and submission of your Visa Application 

There is a tremendous amount of paperwork and preparation required to submit an E-1 or E-2 Visa Business Plan and the actual application that is submitted to USCIS.  We will not only ensure that your business plan is designed to meet USCIS requirements including  your Executive Summary, Financial Statements, Application Documentation and Resume, Market Analysis, etc., but we will prepare a top-notch application that fulfill the requirements and is designed to achieve success!

The Investing Across Borders Invest to Immigrate Series 
is broken down into 3 Phases for you,
which is generally broken down into 3 equal payments of 1/3 each, as detailed below

Visa Preparation Program - Private Coaching
NOTE: A deposit to hold your spot pending review of your application, and it is only refundable in the event that your application is not approved.

PHASE 2 of 3
Entity Setup & Structure + Initial Business Plan

Prerequisite: Phase 1
Phase 2 is available following  successful completion of Phase I
I.e: finding business and either initiating the Consular Processing Route
or crossing the border if pursuing the Change of Status Route.

PHASE 3 of 3
Final Business Plan and Application

Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Phase 2

PHASE 1 of 3 - Visa Preparation Private Program - 

If you're ready to get started now and you want to participate in One-On-One calls with Lauren & her team, you should apply for our PHASE 1

What will you get?

✓ 2x Private Coaching sessions per month with Lauren Cohen & Team 

✓ Support and Guidance from Lauren Cohen and the Investing Across Borders team to help build out your business plan in the US

✓ Cross-Border Investing - Getting Started / Moving to the Next Level

✓ Development of customized Business Expansion & Investment Strategy

Based on the outcomes, we will essentially be "on call" to help you “Get it done!” - with as much hand-holding as you need!

✓ Access to real estate and investment opportunities all over the U.S., both on- and off-market

✓ Guidance on Business and Franchise Options, Consideration of Existing Businesses

✓ Power Team Consultations (access to our team of experts) which may include:

     *Cross-Border Tax Consultation(s) with dually-licensed tax professionals

     * Consultation with transactional attorney(s) to ensure planned structure makes “sense” and will provide adequate protection

     * Introductions to Financing and Funding Providers as needed

     * Legal Oversight and Other Considerations

PHASE 2 of 3 - Entity Setup & Structure - 

Once you've successfully completed Phase 1, you'll qualify to continue to participate in our PHASE 2 which will move you to the next level in your immigration process.

What will you get?

✓ 2x Private Coaching sessions per month with Lauren Cohen & the Investing Across Borders Team 

✓ Support and Guidance from Lauren Cohen and Investing Across Borders to help build out your business plan in the US

✓ Entity Setup + Structure

✓ Initial agreements,

✓ By-laws, other docs, etc.

✓ Initial Drafting of E-1 or E-2 BUSINESS PLAN

ANCILLARY SERVICES AVAILABLE - In the event that you have extenuating circumstances that you wish to have over seen by Lauren and the team, additional supplementary services are available at additional fees. 

Prerequisite: Completion of Phase 1
Phase 2 is available following  successful completion of Phase I
I.e: finding business and either initiating the Consular Processing Route
or crossing the border if pursuing the Change of Status Route.

PHASE 3 of 3 - Visa Petition (+ Final Business Plan) - 

Once you've successfully completed Phase 1, you qualify to continue to  participate in our PHASE 3

What will you get?

✓ 2x Private Coaching sessions per month with Lauren Cohen & the Investing Across Borders Team 

✓ Support and Guidance from Lauren Cohen and the Investing Across Borders team to help build out your business plan in the US

✓ Final E-1 or E-2 Visa Business Plan - Designed to meet USCIS Requirements

  • Executive summary
  • Financial documentation
  • Market analysis
  • Review of other required documentation

✓ Immigration Legal Petition

ANCILLARY SERVICES AVAILABLE - In the event that you have extenuating circumstances that you wish to have over seen by Lauren and the team, additional supplementary services are available at additional fees. 

These services may include Immigration Legal Petition preparation and filing fees. 

Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Phase 2

Lauren Cohen

A Bit About Lauren…

Serial entrepreneur Lauren Cohen is an International Lawyer, Realtor and Cross-Border Expert. Originally from Toronto and now in South Florida, Lauren is also a best-selling author and sought-after speaker, and she launched her podcast, INVESTING ACROSS BORDERS, in late 2020. Lauren and her turnkey team believe in overcoming obstacles and navigating global expansion for business owners and real estate investors, while offering access to unique passive income options. Lauren’s superpower rests in paving a path to immigration visas through real estate and business investment, navigating the path for clients to invest, live, work and play across borders. Read more...  

Customer stories

Jeffrey Greenberg - Promo Stuff 4 You

After I submitted an application and was denied, I went to Lauren Cohen and she reviewed, rewrote my application and made it so that I was able to move to Florida and run my company from there.  
Watch the video.

Jay Fiset - JVology

Attention to details, an amazing team, and she gets things done!  Lauren Cohen helped me set up my US based operations and she made sure we had applied for the right VISA.  I highly recommend her!!
Watch the video.

Anne-Marie Dubois - Dubois Consulting

Thanks to the great work that Lauren and her team have done for me I was able to have an interview at the US embassy in Chili and was approved in 5 minutes.  I couldn't be more thrilled!

Watch the video.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do the 3 phases work?

Each phase builds on the previous phases. For example, you cannot move to Phase 2 without successfully completing Phase 1 (with some exceptions), and you cannot move to Phase 3 without successfully completing Phases 1 and 2. The Service Agreement will reflect these facts and contingencies.

What if I don't get across the border?

You will not be obligated to move to Phase 2 or Phase 3 until and unless you have successfully passed through the border. NOTE: This is only relevant to those that are not vaccinated.

At what stage will we choose the business?

You will choose the business during the first phase.

How will my confidentiality be protected?

All participants will sign Non-Disclosure Agreements and we will be operating in a strict confidentiality environment.

Will we have access to Lauren Cohen?

Yes, you will have email and text access to Lauren within business hours. She will respond to all inquiries in a timely manner, as she always does.

If I have already completed Phase 1, completed, can I just sign up for Phase 2?

Yes, but we will need to set up special links for you and you will still need some components of Phase 1 for example cross-border tax guidance, so please connect with us to explore next steps.

Jeffrey Greenberg - Promo Stuff 4 You

Jay Fiset - JVology: The Perfect Mix of People, Fun, and Profit

Mike Wolf - lifestyle entrepreneur, multimillionaire investor, and international speaker

Anne-Marie Dubois - Dubois Consulting

Is IAB a good fit for you?

Here’s some more of what you will learn:

  • Detailed training on each of the steps in Lauren’s “7 Steps to Successful Cross-Border Investing”
  • Further training on the additional 3 steps included in Lauren’s signature “10 Steps to Immigrate Through Real Estate”
  • Real-time, live training on how to implement the steps
  • How to identify and address risks before they wreak havoc on your plans
  • How to minimize exposure to challenges when traversing borders, investing in real estate in various countries, structuring businesses across borders, dealing with multiple taxing authorities, accessing legal, accounting and other professional guidance, scaling your business internationally…and the list goes on
  • How to protect your business and investments globally

- Visa Preparation Program
Private Coaching

Phase 1 Price $18,500

Due Now $3,500 DEPOSIT
A deposit to hold your spot pending review of your application,

and it is only refundable in the event that your application is NOT approved.

You don't have time to waste!!
